Our Events

Latest Past Events

Breaking Barriers BBQs By The Bay

Raby Bay Harbour Park Shore Street, Cleveland

Thanks to the Redland City Council, Rural Lifestyle Options Australia is hosting this small-scale BBQ event at Raby Bay Harbour to raise awareness of care opportunities for seniors, people with disability and community provider career options. For more details contact: Nicholas Power, Executive Leader Business Development nick.power@rloa.org.au 0429 983 388


CWA High Tea

CWA Hall 3 Waterloo Street Cleveland,, Cleveland

Enjoy a high tea prepared and served by the Country Woman's Association.  Your $10 ticket includes entry into a lucky door prize.  Raffle tickets will be available at three tickets for $5.00.  All proceeds go to the Public Rural Crisis Fund. Bookings essential.  Telephone: 0412295686 or Email: redlandgcwa@gmail.com


Book Launch – Gen Ani

Capalaba Library 14 Noeleen Street, Capalaba

In this free talk, based on the book How to Transform Your Life, by Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, we will explore how meditation can improve resilience in daily life, and how this in turn can improve our concentration, relationships, our health and well-being. Everyone needs a way to develop a peaceful mind - if our mind is peaceful, […]
