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Breaking Barriers BBQs By The Bay

Victoria Point Library Square 7/15 Bunker Rd, Victoria Point

Thanks to the Redland City Council, Rural Lifestyle Options Australia is hosting this small-scale BBQ event at Victoria Point to raise awareness of care opportunities for seniors, people with disability and community provider career options. For more details contact: Nicholas Power, Executive Leader Business Development nick.power@rloa.org.au 0429 983 388 Friday, 21 October 2022, 10am – […]


Men’s Group

Redlands RSL 8 Passage Street, Cleveland

Every Friday morning, a group of us meet to chat, laugh and generally talk about whatever comes up. Senior men are invited to join us and to enjoy a cup of tea or coffee and a cake. There are no obligations, no pressure to recite or sing and no pressure to attend every Friday – […]


Seniors Perform “Radio Frenzy”

Donald Simpson Centre 172 Bloomfield St, Cleveland

Tickets are on sale now for Seniors Perform - Radio Frenzy, a comedy blitz of one-act radio plays, directed by Suzanne Kelly. Seniors Perform returns in October as part of Qld Seniors' Month, providing opportunities for seniors to take on new challenges in all aspects of theatre. The show encompasses four one-act radio plays: “Mona […]
